Health & Safety for Security Professionals (Onboarding Employee Training)
Remaining safe while you are on the job is key to being able to perform your role and responsibilities as a security professional. Your role requires you, at times, to be in situations where there is some degree of risk (e.g., conducting night patrols, working alone for long stretches of time). You must be aware of your surroundings and proactive
when it comes to taking precautions with respect to your own safety. After all, you must be safe in order to protect the persons and property as assigned by your employer and the client.
- Use this training to orient all new employees on the first day of employment as security guards.
- Once finished have the trainer sign the bottom. This is to indicate they have received the orientation.
- The Security Safety Supervisor will also sign the bottom to indicate the orientation has been given.
- Once the orientation is completed, a copy will go to the appropriate Supervisor and the original to Personnel for the employee file.
- Health and Safety Policies
- Hazard Assessments / Work site-specific hazards
- Controls and Safe Work Procedures
- General Safety Rules
- Worker Responsibilities
- Employer Responsibilities
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Emergency Response Procedures
- Training Requirements
- Enforcement Policy
- Right to Know and Refuse
- Reporting Obligations for
- Accidents/Unsafe Acts/
- Health Concerns
- Working Alone
- Modified Duties
- COVID-19 Prevention
Course Features
- Lectures 5
- Quizzes 5
- Duration 2 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 817
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Self
- 5 Sections
- 5 Lessons
- 2 Hours
- Chapter 1: Health and Safety Policies2
- Chapter 2: Controls and Safe Work Procedures2
- Chapter 3: Employer Responsibilities2
- Chapter 4: Training Requirements2
- Chapter 5: Job Duties & Preventions2